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Family owned independent insurance agency for over 35 years.


We are betting our future on education

Problem: We simply cannot financially support the way health care costs/utilization is going up. It is crippling business profitability and raising havoc with family budgets at a rate that can no longer be sustained.

Solution: IDEAL LIFE FINANCIAL ADVISORS (ILFA), a leading Employee Benefits Consultant can assist you in finding the right health care solutions customized to fit your unique needs.

At ILFA, we put your plans into action by designing and implementing education strategies that assist you in being proactive, take control and re-stabilize your profitability and employee confidence. ILFA offers a number of unique value points:

  • Empowerment and education of your employees
  • Wellness programs and initiatives custom tailored to each client
  • Education resources, including the ability to communicate with employees
  • Honest and integrity dictate our every action
  • Transparency rules in all business dealings
  • We are extremely involved in health care legislative issues